A new bonsai begins...

Here is a couple of quick looks at the birth of a new bonsai. This Hinoki cypress (Chameacyparis obtusa) was dug this spring by Mark Comstock of Old Lyme, CT. He is identifying and acquiring wonderful pre-bonsai material that he'll be selling to the bonsai community for many years.​

This tree is the first of these that I've had a chance to work. I potted the tree for the first time in early April. It responded beautifully in aftercare which convinced me it would be ok to do a first styling this week.

​The tree after I got it home from Connecticut.

​The tree after I got it home from Connecticut.

​In the studio happily in its mica training pot. I've attached a piece of rebar up in the top of the tree to let me pull the top of the trunk over to create an elegant s-curve.

​In the studio happily in its mica training pot. I've attached a piece of rebar up in the top of the tree to let me pull the top of the trunk over to create an elegant s-curve.

​The guy wire at the top of the tree.

​The guy wire at the top of the tree.

​The tree as it stands today. We've left more branches and foliage than the refined tree will have. Many of the lower branches will probably be removed and a more natural and irregular silhouette will be created from the new branching that hasn't ye…

​The tree as it stands today. We've left more branches and foliage than the refined tree will have. Many of the lower branches will probably be removed and a more natural and irregular silhouette will be created from the new branching that hasn't yet grown.

But we're happy with the start of this elegant new bonsai.​