A little pruning, a little wiring...

Although I spent much of the day delivering trees for this weekend's New Haven Bonsai Club exhibition, I did have time to prune and wire a cool collected Eastern White Cedar I got from a great New England collector a few years ago.​

​These trees need lots of work to develop tighter foliage pads. One of my main objectives for my time at Bill Valavanis' colloquium next weekend is to get some tips from Mark Arpag. Take a look at his award-winning small cedar in the 2nd US National Bonsai exhibition book to see a beautifully developed Thuja.

​Here's the tree back in 2011 after a wiring. The droopy foliage is common for an unrefined Thuja.

​Here's the tree back in 2011 after a wiring. The droopy foliage is common for an unrefined Thuja.

​The tree today. Looks like I'll need to find a good pot for it before next spring.

​The tree today. Looks like I'll need to find a good pot for it before next spring.